

Nov 03, 2023

Gang boss 'gets teeth fixed in Turkey' after ‘straightener’ brawl in Dubai with pal of ‘Mr Big’ Paul Massey

AN alleged crime boss was forced to fly to Turkey to have his teeth repaired after a fist fight in Dubai, it has been claimed.

Michael 'Cazza' Carroll and Stephen 'Ste' Britton are said to have had two brawls in Dubai earlier this year.

Over recent years the courts have heard how the two men led rival gangs in Salford, Greater Manchester.

Britton ran the notorious A Team gang and Carroll was associated with a rival faction known as the Anti-A team.

The two crews fought out a violent gang war in Salford that led up to the deaths of Paul Massey and John Kinsella.

The Manchester Evening News has now reported that Carroll was forced to have dental work completed in Turkey after one of the fights.

Detectives at Greater Manchester Police were aware of the fights between the two men, which are thought to be based on "personal animosity."

A source close to the story told The Sun that the two men had fought each other in Dubai earlier this year.

He said: "They had two fights in Dubai around four months ago. Cazza won both fights.

"But one of Britton's mates reached over and cracked Cazza. That caused the damage to his teeth.

"I know Cazza looks like a little Robbie Williams, but he can fight."

Carroll and Britton were both members of the A Team gang until a number of rows over petty disputes led to a major fall out.

In 2015 the rival faction murdered Britton's close friend and mentor Paul Massey.

Mark Fellows, a member of the Anti-A team faction, used an Uzi sub-machine gun to gun down Massey on his own doorstep.

The attack escalated the seething gang war, with rival members using machetes, whizz saws, grenades and guns to target each other.

Fellows later caught up with Massey's close friend John Kinsella on a Saturday morning in May 2018. Fellows cycled up behind Mr Kinsella and shot him dead.

Carroll fled to Spain and graffiti appeared in Salford branding him a "grass rat snitch police informer" - a hit-squad was sent after him.

After Massey's execution, The A Team shot seven-year-old Christian Hickey Jr and his mum in their own home, an act that shocked the nation.

Both were left seriously injured lying in a pool of blood in their hallway, with one bullet passing through Mrs Hickey's leg into her son's as he stood behind her.

A succession of trials that concluded in 2019 named Carroll and Britton as leaders of their respective gangs.

Those gangland trials saw The A Team's leaders jailed or over 100 years for their involvement in Salford's gang violence.

Britton had previously been jailed for five years and four months for killing a teenager in a hit-and-run in 2009.

After his release from prison, he formed an association of up-and-coming criminals branded as The A-Team but the gang was later destroyed by in-fighting.